When I visited Kigali, Rwanda’s capital last week, I noticed an array of new fast food restaurants downtown. This is not an exception — chains such as Burger King, Pizza Hut and KFC are proliferating across Africa. Meanwhile, obesity rates are skyrocketing across the continent.
World hunger levels rise for third year running: U.N.
ROME (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – World hunger rose in 2017 for a third consecutive year, fueled by conflict and climate change, the United Nations warned on Tuesday, jeopardizing a global goal to end the scourge by 2030.
Starvation: a weapon of war that could kill 590,000 children by the end of 2018
Starvation being used as a weapon of war has become the new normal, according to Save the Children. Its analysis shows more than half a million infants in conflict zones could die of malnutrition by the end of the year if they do not receive treatment, the equivalent of one every minute.
12 Things We Can Agree On about Global Poverty
There’s a lot of heat on the topic of global poverty, but fundamentally a lot of agreement, too. Here is our attempt at a brief consensus position. We welcome agreement and opposition in the comments section below!
Aquafarmers on the front lines
Many of the world’s future farmers will likely be farming oceans, as aquaculture—the cultivation of fish and other aquatic species—continues its expansion as the fastest growing food sector. New research shows that in order for this next generation of farmers to thrive, there is an urgent need to prepare them for climate change.
Philadelphia Food Scraps to Become Gas to Power Trucks and Buses
Philadelphia’s food scraps may become fuel for buses and trucks, under a plan to build a $120 million anaerobic digester to produce natural gas.
What Will the World Eat in the Next Decade?
India will eat more butter and drink more milk. Africa’s sweet tooth will grow bigger. But China’s appetite for pork is on the wane. Each of these trends will reshape global trade flows in agriculture, creating new winners—and forcing companies to adjust their food chains to serve shifting tastes.
How the Other Half Eats
City Lab explores how someone in Manhattan, New York City, can make $1.86 in daily SNAP benefits work in a county where the average low-income meal costs 113% of SNAP.
Are forgotten crops the future of food?
Just four crops – wheat, maize, rice and soybean – provide two-thirds of the world’s food supply. But scientists in Malaysia are trying to change that by reviving crops that have been relegated to the sidelines.
Food waste: alarming rise will see 66 tonnes thrown away every second
The amount of food that is wasted each year will rise by a third by 2030, when 2.1bn tonnes will either be lost or thrown away, equivalent to 66 tonnes per second, according to new analysis.