Agriculture & Nutrition
Obituary in memory of Dr. Urban Jonsson
Urban Jonsson, a national of Sweden and resident of Tanzania, held a Ph.D. in Food Science with focus on Nutrition. He pursued advanced training on nutrition at Cornell University and lifelong studies in philosophy, mathematics and a series of other disciplines in order to build his impressive compe...
Three win Nobel Prize in medicine for work on tropical diseases river blindness, filariasis, and malaria
William Campbell’s eureka moment came in 1975, as he was testing a new medicine to fight parasites in domestic and farm animals. The Irish-born scientist realized a parasitic worm in horses bore an amazing resemblance to the parasite that causes river blindness in humans....
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria seeks input into 2017-21 strategy
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria seeks input into 2017-21 strategy...
A tragic choice: Fight malaria or starve
Millions of mosquito nets are given out fight to malaria in Africa, yet many faced with hunger use them as fish nets, creating potential environmental problems....
Vaccine aide gunned down in Pakistan
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A health worker supervising a polio vaccination campaign was fatally shot and two others were wounded on Saturday when gunmen opened fire at a hospital in northwestern Pakistan, officials said....
Every dollar spent on childhood nutrition can save up to $166, new study finds
For more than a year we have been analysing the issue of childhood nutrition (along with a large number of other topics that go into the post-2015 discussion). Nutrition is obviously one of the most critical issues for development. Both children and adults need a good quality diet, but, like others ...

Democratizing the fight against malnutrition
ROME, Nov 27 2014 (IPS) - There is a new dimension to the issue of malnutrition – governments, civil society and the private sector have started to come together around a common nutrition agenda. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), the ...

FAO releases “Food and Nutrition in Numbers”
17 November 2014, Rome - FAO has published a comprehensive pocketbook of nutrition-related data covering all regions of the world ahead of the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) taking place in Rome this week.Food and Nutrition in Numbers – a pocket-sized compendium dedicated to t...
World hunger falls, but number of undernourished remains ‘unacceptably high’—joint UN report
16 September 2014 – More than 800 million people – or one in every nine on the planet – suffer from hunger, but a new joint UN agency report released today stated that the Millennium Development Goal of halving the proportion of undernourished people by 2015 is still within reach....
Global Nutrition Report says every nation except China has crossed a “malnutrition red line”, suffering from too much or too little nutrit...
The Global Nutrition Report said every nation except China had crossed a "malnutrition red line", suffering from too much or too little nutrition. Globally, malnutrition led to "11% of GDP being squandered as a result of lives lost, less learning, less earning and days lost to illness," it added....