Agriculture & Nutrition

Growing plants with ‘Speed Breeding’ techniques could feed the world
New "speed breeding" techniques can address hunger by allowing researchers to study plants and improve their genetics faster, speeding up the process of breeding crops that are more resilient to disease and pests. ...

Kenyan farmers reap economic, environmental gains from ABCDs of agroforestry
Kenyan farmers are building resilience and income through an intercropping system developed with the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF)...

African women are starting to take a lead in agricultural research
A new study shows that the number of African woman engaged in agricultural research is increasing...

With Vertical Farms, Food Banks are Growing their Own Produce to Fight Hunger
Vertical farms allow food banks to grow their own produce with high-tech systems in an effort to fight food insecurity year-round....

‘Super beans’ raise hopes in parts of hunger-prone Africa
The Ugandan government is promoting a new high-yield bean in hunger-prone areas...

Africa: Nurturing Young Entrepreneurs As the Next Generation of Hunger Fighters
World Food Prize winner Dr. Akinwumi Adesina to establish Global Youth Institute for Africa to support a new generation of agricultural scientists and innovators...

France to force big supermarkets to give unsold food to charities
Legislation barring stores from spoiling and throwing away food is aimed at tackling epidemic of waste alongside food poverty French supermarkets will be banned from throwing away or destroying unsold food and must instead donate it to charities or for animal feed, under a law se...

Hunger Fighters Interview: Alex Hart
Biographic Snapshot: Alex Hart is a Program Manager, National Capital for Rise Against Hunger, an organization that works to alleviate hunger in the USA during climate crises and overseas. Alex was involved in a recent volunteer event in McLean, Virginia to assemble food/soup packa...

Hunger Fighters Interview: Jessica McClard
Hunger Fighters Interview: Jessica McClard This is part of a series we are doing about real people who are working to fight hunger and poverty around the world. Biographic Snapshot: Jessica McClard is a 42-yr-old native Arkansan and resident of Fayet...

The Big Washington Food Fight
This article shows how insider changes in Washington power structures could impact the nutrition of US food....