United States

Bay Area developing ambitious new tools to reduce hunger

by Tara Duggan San Francisco Chronicle November 18, 2018

The battle against hunger is no longer confined to traditional realms like food banks and religious organizations. In the Bay Area, more activists and local governments are trying to find new and more ambitious solutions to the quiet epidemic plaguing one of the country’s richest regions....

‘Farming While Black’: A Guide To Finding Power And Dignity Through Food

by Alan Yu WHYY November 12, 2018

Farmer Leah Penniman and her staff at Soul Fire Farm, located about 25 miles northeast of Albany, New York, train black and Latinx farmers in growing techniques and management practices from the African diaspora, so they can play a part in addressing food access, health disparities, and other so...

First Ever Food Pantry for Veterans Opens in Mississippi

by Ashley Norwood Mississippi Public Broadcasting November 12, 2018

The Mississippi Food Network and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation are partners with the VA medical Center pantry. Marilyn Blacklege, with the food network says, many veterans in the state are food insecure. The food pantry is open every Wednesday from 10 am to 2pm at the VA Medical Center in ...

Weekends without Hunger expands distribution

by Norwalk Reflector Norwalk Reflector November 7, 2018

In Norwalk, Ohio, community members ensure that children who receive free or reduced-priced school breakfast and lunch have food to take home on the weekends through a unique program....

Young and Hungry: How hunger is impacting kids in the Tennessee Valley

by Conner Board Rocket City Now November 7, 2018

In the Huntsville, Alabama area nearly one in four kids don't know where their next meal is coming from. That hinders their ability to grow, play, and learn. Downtown Rescue Mission and Huntsville City Schools play a key role in feeding chil...

After almost 30 years, Forgotten Harvest continues fight against hunger, food waste

by Ashley Banks Digital First Media November 7, 2018

For almost 30 years, Forgotten Harvest has fought diligently against two significant problems: hunger and waste. “We’re dedicated to relieving hunger in metro Detroit and preventing food waste,” said Chris Ivey, director of marketing and communications for Forgotten Harvest. The nonprofi...

Halloween for Hunger annual food drive set

by Billings Gazette Billings Gazette October 29, 2018

In Montana, Rocky Mountain College students will collect nonperishable food items from 5:30 to 8 p.m. on Oct. 31 during the annual Halloween for Hunger food drive. Hosted by RMC’s Office of Community Engagement, Halloween for Hunger benefits the Rose Park Elementary School and Family Service of ...

Otter Eats program alerts students about free food on campus

by Juan Reyes Monterey Herald October 29, 2018

The Basic Needs Initiative group at CSU Monterey Bay recently introduced another new program aimed to alleviate hunger called Otter Eats. The new mobile-based program invites students to show up to the last 20 minutes of campus events to eat leftover food. CSU Monterey Bay students can text the w...

College students compete to bring hunger awareness

by Marina Barnett WHSV 3 October 25, 2018

Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC) is hosting its 12th Annual Virginia Hunger Symposium this week by partnering with the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank (BRAFB) to raise hunger awareness. On Wednesday, colleges and universities in the area competed in an apple packing competition at the food bank....

New report sheds sobering light on hunger on college campuses

by Ali Gorman WPVI October 2, 2018

A new report sheds a sobering light on hunger on college campuses. It finds that 35 percent of students at Temple University have gone hungry in the past year and 56 percent at the Community College of Philadelphia say they have found themselves going without a proper meal....

  • World Hunger Education
    P.O. Box 29015
    Washington, D.C. 20017
  • For the past 40 years, since its founding in 1976, the mission of World Hunger Education Service is to undertake programs, including Hunger Notes, that
    • Educate the general public and target groups about the extent and causes of hunger and malnutrition in the United States and the world
    • Advance comprehension which integrates ethical, religious, social, economic, political, and scientific perspectives on the world food problem
    • Facilitate communication and networking among those who are working for solutions
    • Promote individual and collective commitments to sustainable hunger solutions.