United States

Photo: Abner Stolztfus owns Cedar Dream dairy farm in Peach Bottom, Pa. Last year, Stolztfus decided to invest almost $200,000 in equipment and learned how to make yogurt from scratch. Kimberly Paynter/WHYY]

Struggling Farmers Turn Excess Milk Into Cheese And Yogurt For The Hungry

by Catalina Jaramillo NPR July 3, 2018

Philabundance, a Pennsylvania nonprofit that turns food waste into donations is working with dairy farmers to turn excess milk into cheese and yogurt for the hungry. ...

Public colleges confront student hunger, housing needs over summer

by Scott O’Connell Worcester Telegram July 2, 2018

In Massachusetts, local public colleges and universities are ramping up efforts to provide safety net programs to students over the summer break. This year, all four public colleges in Central Massachusetts have launched or plan to launch new on-campus food pantries as a stopgap measure to help stud...

Podcast: Feeding America: Solve Hunger by Reducing Food Waste

by Mitch Ratcliffe earth911.com June 26, 2018

Earth911.com interviews Feeding America's Liz Baldridge, director of Sustainability and Food Waste Initiatives, and Zuani Villareal, director of communication at Feeding America, to discuss food waste....

Photo: Nilsa Adorno, 30, of Franklinville, has neighborhood children form a line to eat free lunch supplied by the federal government and distributed by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The meals make up for school lunches children miss during summer. [David Maialetti/Philly.com]

Fighting summer hunger block by block, lunch by lunch

by Alfred Lubrano philly.com June 24, 2018

Just 40% of the children who receive school lunches are reached in the summer: the Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger measured lunch consumption during October and July 2017. In Philadelphia public and charter schools, around 130,000 free lunches were served per day in October; in July, 5...

Addy Battel, a 15-year-old from Cass City, is pictured at Battel Heritage Farms. (Courtesy Addy Battel/Huron Daily Tribune)

Local youth fights world hunger

by Mike Gallagher Huron Daily Tribune June 24, 2018

In Michigan, Addy Battel, 15, of Cass City, started "Meating the Need for our Village Hunger" four years ago when her rural town became a food desert. She works with friends and neighbors "to provide high quality protein to low-income members of our community and the communities surrounding us, whil...

Denton Food Pantry Helps Stave Off Hunger for College Students

by Seth Voorhees NBCDFW.com June 17, 2018

Even though school is out for the summer, a Denton food pantry, which helps hungry college students, is busy. Those who run the Shiloh Food Pantry on the University of North Texas campus say they’re filling what they see is a growing need....

Seniors’ food security feeds on mobility

by Jim T. Ryan Perry County Times June 17, 2018

In the United States, lack of access to transportation contributes to hunger. In Pennsylvania, the Perry County Food Bank offers food boxes and other programs for older residents....

Photo of a Hungry Harvest [courtesy Hungry Harvest]

Hungry Harvest Continues to Fight Food Waste, Hunger by Expanding into New Markets

by Mallory Szczepanski Waste 360 June 12, 2018

Evan Lutz, founder and CEO of Baltimore-based Hungry Harvest, believes socially conscious business has the power to end food waste and have a real impact on the environment, community and economy. Through Hungry Harvest, a farm to doorstep produce delivery service on a mission to eliminate food wa...

Photo: Food Hero volunteers will receive training in modeling healthful eating and cooking, food safety, community food resources and more. [Josh Kohanek/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation]

Be a community ‘Food Hero’

by Lauren Kraemer The Dalles Chronicle June 10, 2018

Oregon State University Extension Service, along with community partners, will offer Food Hero volunteer training. Food Hero's mission is to help low-income Oregonians improve their health through the increased consumption of fruits and vegetables....

Photo: Columbia Park is one site where the Turlock Unified School District’s Child Nutrition Department will be providing free meals to students Wednesday through July 18. [courtesy The Turlock Journal]

Meal programs ensure student food security over summer

by Angelina Martin The Turlock Journal June 6, 2018

While summer vacation is simply a break from academics for most children, for others the end of school means the end of the daily meals provided by campus cafeterias. Local school districts in California are helping fight the problem of food insecurity and hunger over the summer months, offering bre...

  • World Hunger Education
    P.O. Box 29015
    Washington, D.C. 20017
  • For the past 40 years, since its founding in 1976, the mission of World Hunger Education Service is to undertake programs, including Hunger Notes, that
    • Educate the general public and target groups about the extent and causes of hunger and malnutrition in the United States and the world
    • Advance comprehension which integrates ethical, religious, social, economic, political, and scientific perspectives on the world food problem
    • Facilitate communication and networking among those who are working for solutions
    • Promote individual and collective commitments to sustainable hunger solutions.