Take a step to help hungry children
Did you know? --6.3 percent of children in developing countries die before their fifth birthday—7.6 million children in 2010 --Malnutrition/hunger is an important factor in at least one-third of these deaths—2.2 million children. Typically children, weakened by hunger, succumb to a disease s...
1,000 days to change the future
Global leaders are gathering in Davos, Switzerland, this week to consider some of the most significant economic challenges facing the world and to look for solutions that can help people live healthier, more productive lives....
The army and the economy in Egypt
Until this very day, the role of the military establishment in the economy remains one of the major taboos in Egyptian politics....

The school lunch barometer–the number of children eligible for free/low cost meals has risen 17 percent due to hard times for their parents
The economic downturn is driving more and more families into the ranks of the poor and the “near poor” who barely make it from paycheck to paycheck. This pattern is chillingly clear from the rising numbers of formerly middle-class children now qualifying for free or low-cost meals under the fede...
Angola: Diamonds are a girl’s best friend
On 5 November 2010 the president of the Republic of Angola, José Eduardo dos Santos, authorised the minister of Mining and Industry to extend the terms of a diamond mining concession in Luanda Norte province, primarily to the benefit of his daughter Welwitschea José dos Santos, usually known as ...
It is official: Busan heralds the dismantling of the aid industry
The Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF4) was held in Busan, Korea, 29 November – 1 December 2011. It is an end of a long journey that began with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (PDAE) in 2005. It was a misguided journey right from the beginning....
Class matters. Why won’t we admit it?
NO one seriously disputes the fact that students from disadvantaged households perform less well in school, on average, than their peers from more advantaged backgrounds. ...
Foreign energy policy fuels famine in Africa
PAMBAZUKA NEWS: Following your last set of reports, Oakland was looking to understand in greater depth the legal, social and economic implications of land grabs, in particular better data on land availability, better understanding of land deals, and issues around land rights....
Sierra Leone up for grabs
Last October, 100 farmers gathered to protest against the Sierra Leone branch of the multinational corporate agribusiness giant, Socfin....
Bold action needed to put people first
The US continues to play a unique and leading role in setting global priorities, but the economic meltdown together with the emerging threats presented by climate change have dramatically increased domestic needs and placed new budget constraints on spending for foreign assistance....