
United States Children Left Behind

by Washington Post November 19, 2004

DEFICIT SPENDING didn't bother the Bush administration when the issue was tax cuts. Congress had no trouble finding "savings" to supposedly offset new costs when the costs were in a corporate tax bill stuffed with special-interest provisions. But when it comes to health care for poor children, diffe...

We Need Cultural Liberty in Today’s Diverse World

by United Nations Development Program July 16, 2004

How will the new constitution of Iraq satisfy demands for fair representation for Shiites and Kurds? Which— and how many— of the languages spoken in Afghanistan should the new constitution recognize as the official language of the state? How will the Nigerian federal court deal with a Sharia law...

Fifty Years of International Food Aid – Time To Change?

by Daniel E. Shaughnessy July 10, 2004

Fifty years ago, on July 10, 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower signed Public Law 480 – the Agricultural Trade, Development and Assistance Act – popularly known as the Food for Peace Program. Remarkable for its longevity as well as its consistency in providing food to those in need throughout the...

World Refugee Day June 20: A Time to Celebrate?

by James Milner June 19, 2004

June 19, 2004) June 20 is World Refugee Day, a day to reflect on the state of the world’s 12 million refugees. One of these 12 million is a young Somali student named Abass Hassan Mohamed. Abass is the second-oldest of six children. His family fled to Kenya, along with hundreds of thousands of...

Darfur: Genocide in Africa Again–Ten Years After Rwanda

by Eva Dadrian April 22, 2004

(April 22, 2004) There is no doubt that the painful memory of the 800,000 victims of the Genocide in Rwanda will live with us forever. For many years to come, we will continue to unearth the remains of children, women and men hacked to death in one of the most frenzied, planned and organized massac...

Thoughts on Attending the 31st Session of the Standing Committee on Nutrition

by Lane Vanderslice April 2, 2004

(April 2, 2004) I was privileged to attend the 31st Session of the Standing Committee on Nutrition, during the week of March 22 and learned quite a bit there. I hadn’t ever been to a session before. It was exhilarating to listen to about 250 people (and talk to a fair number) deeply interested i...

Hunger Notes Urges Its Readers to Join RESULTS

by Mabel Ng February 29, 2004

Hunger Notes believes that its readers should do three things: Learn about hunger, contribute financially to reducing hunger, and use their citizenship (U.S. or other country) to influence government policy (U.S. or other country) to benefit poor and hungry people. This article describes RESULTS, a...

New Year’s Resolutions–For Our Readers!–On Helping Hungry People

by January 25, 2004

Hunger Notes encourages its readers to make a "New Year's Resolution" to do more to aid poor and hungry people in 2004. Hunger Notes encourages our readers to take three steps this year to support hungry people. Contribute money to an organization that supports hungry people. Join an organization...

USAID’s Development Education Program Is Not True Education About Development

by January 20, 2004

USAID has recently released a request for applications (RFA) for development education in the United States that Hunger Notes finds seriously lacking. The RFA is not oriented to true education about development, and appears to be in violation of the legislation authorizing the program—the “Biden...

Hunger Notes Thanks Its Readers, Counts Its Blessings, and Sets Out Goals For 2002

by September 7, 2002

Hunger Notes would like to express its appreciation for its readers. Our readers are certainly a major blessing. (The word blessing, which has to some extent fallen into disuse, means a gift from God and also something that transforms a life, or makes a substantial contribution to making a life wor...

  • World Hunger Education
    P.O. Box 29015
    Washington, D.C. 20017
  • For the past 40 years, since its founding in 1976, the mission of World Hunger Education Service is to undertake programs, including Hunger Notes, that
    • Educate the general public and target groups about the extent and causes of hunger and malnutrition in the United States and the world
    • Advance comprehension which integrates ethical, religious, social, economic, political, and scientific perspectives on the world food problem
    • Facilitate communication and networking among those who are working for solutions
    • Promote individual and collective commitments to sustainable hunger solutions.