The U.S. foreign-aid budget, visualized

by Max Bearak and Lazaro Gamio

Women waiting to enter the Ndirande Health Center in Blantyre,Malawi. Photo: WHO/ZakwathuCommunication
It’s a sunny July Wednesday, July 30, and the Ndirande Health Center in the outskirts of Blantyre, Malawi is buzzing. At the health center,  some 10,500 patients with HIV routinely receive antiretroviral therapy (ART). Among them are 6,000 mothers and their children. Photo: © WHO/ZakwathuCommunications  Click to see larger photo.

In a Kaiser Family Foundation study published in early 2015, the average respondent thought that 26 percent of the federal budget went to foreign aid. More than half of the respondents thought the United States was spending too much on foreign aid. In reality, this is what U.S. foreign aid looks like as a proportion of the total proposed federal budget for 2017:

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