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Video: Global Hunger Basics
Fight hunger with knowledge. In this short video, World Hunger Education Service’s Steve Hansch explains global hunger, discusses a few causes, and tells you how to get involved in humanitarian work.
Read the latest news and analysis about global hunger below.
This is a view of the most urgent hunger hotspots around the world. The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) used by the United Nations and International Aid Agencies consists of five levels of severity for food insecurity as follows: 1. Minimal - Acceptable 2. Stressed - Alert 3. ...
Original Contribution by Sharmin Sultana Seeing a locust, one cannot imagine that a harmless member of the grasshopper family can become one of the world’s most devastating pests. Yet, in 2020, within just a few months locust swarms destroyed more than 1.2 million hectares (ha) of cr...
Today is World Food Day - International World Food Day is celebrated on the date of the founding of the United Nation's Food and Agricultural Organization to highlight the issues of hunger and food access in the world. Take time today to think and act on ways to contribute to a more food secure worl...
USDA's Economic Research Service projects that food security will improve for many over the next 10 years in its most recent International Food Security Assessment (IFSA) ...
The winner of this year’s World Food Prize has dedicated her life to this concept [pond to pot], as she promotes the best practices for raising small fish and making sure those excellent sources of protein, calcium, iron and more are easily available for families as part of a balanced and nutritio...
Nearly 20 million people faced food crises in 2020 due to a toxic combination of conflict, climate change and Covid-19 pandemic, UNICEF warned....
The number of people facing acute food insecurity and needing urgent life and livelihood-saving assistance has hit a five-year high in 2020 in countries beset by food crises...
Nearly seven years of war in Yemen have produced the world's most dire humanitarian catastrophe. Millions are starving and have little in the way of medical care....
For #StopFoodWasteDay here are more tips to reduce food waste...
Michael Fakhri, the UN special rapporteur on the right to food, says the US food system is built on injustices but there is hope where people are prioritizing the right to food...