
Suicide has emerged as the single leading cause of death among women in Nepal aged 15-49.  The report listed general causes for suicide such as  mental health problems, relationships, marriage and family issues, and  youth (since 21 percent of the suicides were committed by young women aged 18 years and under) but did not elaborate on causes. Photo: Brennon Jones/IRIN

Nepal: Why are so many young women killing themselves?

by IRIN News January 22, 2016

Suicide has emerged as the single leading cause of death among women in Nepal aged 15-49, outranking other causes such as accidents and disease, according to a government study. ...

Thousands of farmer suicides prompt India to set up $1.3bn crop insurance scheme

by Agence-France Presse The Guardian January 13, 2016

Women working the fields in India where a vast number farm, but make little money. Photo: © Neeta Lal/IPS...

India needs to “Save its Daughters” through education and gender equality. India ranks 130th of 155 countries in newly released gender ine...

by Neeta Lal Inter Press Service January 8, 2016

Women constitute nearly half of the country’s 1.25 billion people and gender equality — whether in politics, economics, education or health — is still a distant dream for most. This fact was driven home again sharply by the recently released United National Development Programme’s Human Dev...

Global grocer supply chains tied to slave-peeled shrimp

by Margie Mason, Robin McDowell, Martha Mendoza and Esther Htusan Associated Press December 14, 2015

SAMUT SAKHON, Thailand (AP) — Poor migrant workers and children are being sold to factories in Thailand and forced to peel shrimp that ends up in global supply chains, including those of Wal-Mart and Red Lobster, the world's largest retailer and the world's largest seafood restaurant chain, an Ass...

In this Monday, Nov. 9, 2015 photo, children and teenagers sit together to be registered by officials during a raid on a shrimp shed in Samut Sakhon, Thailand. Abuse is common in Samut Sakhon, which attracts workers from some of the world’s poorest countries, mostly from Myanmar. An International Labor Organization report estimated 10,000 migrant children aged 13 to 15 work in the city. Another U.N. agency study found nearly 60 percent of Burmese laborers toiling in its seafood processing industry were victims of forced labor. Photo: © AP Photo/Dita Alangkara

Global grocer supply chains tied to slave-peeled shrimp

by Margie Mason, Robin McDowell, Martha Mendoza and Esther Htusan Associated Press December 14, 2015

SAMUT SAKHON, Thailand (AP) — Poor migrant workers and children are being sold to factories in Thailand and forced to peel shrimp that ends up in global supply chains, including those of Wal-Mart and Red Lobster, the world's largest retailer and the world's largest seafood restaurant chain, an Ass...

Myanmar military still big power despite opposition victory

by Thomas Fuller IRIN News November 13, 2015

YANGON, Myanmar — Amid the mold-covered facades of downtown Yangon are police stations, a five-story building housing the Special Branch state security agency and government offices where citizens are required to register out-of-town houseguests....

Al-Amin and Fatima outside their new home in a slum in Dhaka. Photo: Mubashar Hasan/IRIN

Bangladesh’s climate change migrants

by Mubashar Hasan IRIN News November 13, 2015

Al-Amin used to be a rice farmer in the fertile plains of Bangladesh’s vast Ganges Delta, but the river washed his land away and now he pulls a rickshaw in a slum in the sprawling capital, Dhaka....

Chowkipur, a village in India that has no electricity. Photo: Simon de Trey-White/Washington Post

India’s huge need for electricity is a problem for the planet

by Annie Gowan Washington Post November 6, 2015

See special report...

China ends one-child policy, allowing families two children

by Chris Buckley New York Times October 29, 2015

BEIJING — Driven by fears that an aging population could jeopardizeChina’s economic ascent, the Communist Party leadership ended its decades-old “one child” policy on Thursday, announcing that all married couples would be allowed to have two children....

Al Jazeera investigation reveals Myanmar government triggered deadly communal violence for political gain

by Al Jazeera Investigative Unit October 28, 2015

Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit has uncovered what amounts to "strong evidence" of a genocide coordinated by the Myanmar government against the Rohingya people, according to an assessment by Yale University Law School....

  • World Hunger Education
    P.O. Box 29015
    Washington, D.C. 20017
  • For the past 40 years, since its founding in 1976, the mission of World Hunger Education Service is to undertake programs, including Hunger Notes, that
    • Educate the general public and target groups about the extent and causes of hunger and malnutrition in the United States and the world
    • Advance comprehension which integrates ethical, religious, social, economic, political, and scientific perspectives on the world food problem
    • Facilitate communication and networking among those who are working for solutions
    • Promote individual and collective commitments to sustainable hunger solutions.