As grasslands dwindle, Kenya’s shepherds seek urban pastures

by Jeffrey Gettleman

Grazing on the outskirts of Kibera, a Nairobi slum. Photo: Andrew Renneisen / The New York Times
Grazing on the outskirts of Kibera, a Nairobi slum. As the city’s population swells, fences go up, big roads chop the wilderness into smaller pieces, rural turns suburban and suburban turns urban. Photo:  ©   Andrew Renneisen / The New York Times  Also see video.

NAIROBI, Kenya — Allan Lemayian is what you would call an urban shepherd. He goes where the green grass grows. It doesn’t matter if that grass grows along a four-lane highway or in front of a Shell station or on the lawn of a million-dollar home.

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    Washington, D.C. 20017
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